Here are the Learning Powers teachers and pupils are currently using in class. They were created by a group of pupils and teachers to describe the language of learning that we would encourage all children to use, to develop good learning habits.

These habits relate to;

  • knowing what to do when you are stuck
  • being able to take risks within learning
  • being curious
  • asking questionings
  • learning together
  • trying new strategies
  • learning from mistakes
  • concentrating
  • working independently etc.

The intention is that these Learning Powers would apply for life-long learning and gives children appropriate language to describe their learning. The more children use this language in conversation with their peers, teachers and parents, the better they will become at describing themselves as a learner and identifying their next steps in learning.

Class teachers are using these Learning Powers within their lessons and are discussing them during learning activities. These Learning Powers (dispositions) are best developed when they are integrated into learning and included within various contexts of learning.

We would encourage you to use them during home learning activities and talk about the various Learning Powers your children are using. The Learning Power they are using is as important as the skills and knowledge they are developing. For example, some Learning Power language you might use with your children might include:

‘That’s great that you are having a go with that challenge and learning from your mistakes’, ‘Try another strategy’, ‘don’t forget to ask for help if you need it’, ‘take a brain break and start again in a bit’, ‘break down that maths problem into smaller steps’, ‘draw a diagram and jot down your thought or things which help you think’.

We hope you will find the Learning Power sheet below helpful when supporting your child to develop good learning habits.